About me

Thursday 19 January 2012

IN TOWN: Sunny date

Quando lo incontrai era un giorno pieno di sole. Ricordo che stavo andando con la mia bici in piazza Duomo a un incontro di lavoro ed ero, come al solito, in ritardo. Mentre pedalavo pensavo a tutte le cose che dovevo fare quel giorno: finire l'articolo, fare una lavatrice, comprare per me e per gli altri i biglietti del cinema per quella stessa sera, chiamare lo zio per il suo compleanno, comprare dei fiori per il salotto e il latte. Al mattino il sole arriva alle spalle del Duomo e proprio in quel momento, quando i raggi del sole illuminano la parte posteriore del Duomo, lo vidi. Lui era lì, nel posto perfetto per quella luce perfetta, che dura poi pochi minuti. Bello e fiero come un eroe o un soldato del passato, sembrava assorto da pensieri profondi. Non dissi niente, lo guardai solo per qualche istante, poi ripresi a pedalare. Non saprò mai cosa stesse pensando, ma ogni volta che lo voglio rivedere so dove trovarlo.

The first day I met him it was a sunny morning. I remember that I was going to Duomo square with my bicycle to a job meeting, and I was in late as always. While I was cycling I thought about all the stuff I had to do during the day: finish the article, laundry, buy the cinema tickets for evening with friends, call uncle for his birthday, buy some flowers for the living-room and the milk. In the morning the sun arrives from the back of the Milan Cathedral and right in that moment, when the sunbeams lit it up, I saw him. He was there, in the perfect place for that perfect light that lasts just a few minutes. Nice and brave like a hero or a soldier of the past, he looked he was thinking about something very important for him. I said nothing, just saw him for a while, then I went. I'll never know what he was thinking about, but every time I want to see him again I know where we can meet.

Duomo, Milan

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